Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Migrating to Shopify Plus

Migrating to Shopify Plus can be complex. Don't stress! Discover how to tackle common challenges and make your transition a breeze.

Migrating to Shopify Plus can unlock serious growth potential for your eCommerce business. However, the process can be complex. This blog post offers expert guidance on navigating the transition, from strategic planning and data management to testing and launch, ensuring a smooth and successful migration.

More and more eCommerce businesses are making the leap to Shopify Plus in search of greater scalability and customisation. It's a powerful platform brimming with potential, but as with any significant website migration, the process has its share of potential stumbling blocks. By learning to recognise and avoid these common pitfalls, you can give your business the best possible chance of a smooth and successful transition to Shopify Plus.

Is it worth upgrading to Shopify Plus?

Understanding Shopify Plus and Its Appeal

Shopify Plus is a premium eCommerce solution designed for rapidly growing and high-volume businesses. Here's what makes it so appealing:

Robust Scalability

If your business experiences traffic surges or you're simply outgrowing your current platform, Shopify Plus can effortlessly handle the load. You won't risk slowdowns or crashes during those crucial sales periods.

Enhanced Features

Shopify Plus grants you access to advanced features like wholesale channels, unlimited staff accounts, and powerful automation tools to streamline your operations.


Need your online store to have a unique look and feel that perfectly aligns with your brand? Shopify Plus offers greater flexibility in design and functionality to help you achieve that.

Dedicated Support

Your Plus plan means direct access to priority support from Shopify experts, providing the help you need whenever complex issues arise.

Why Migrate to Shopify Plus?

Businesses typically make the shift to Shopify Plus when they find themselves outgrowing the capabilities of standard eCommerce platforms. If you face some of these challenges, Shopify Plus may be the solution for you:

  • Your current website cannot cope with high volumes of traffic.
  • You require sophisticated features and customisation options.
  • You're looking for a way to streamline and automate your eCommerce processes.
  • You desire a more reliable and secure platform with top-notch support.

Pre-Migration Planning and Goal Setting

Jumping into a migration to Shopify Plus without a solid plan is a recipe for trouble. Take the time to consider:

Clear Objectives

What specific goals do you hope to achieve by moving to Shopify Plus? Are you seeking increased sales, better customer experience, or streamlined operations? Clearly defining your reasons will guide your decisions during the migration process.

Strategic Outline

Don't just wing it! Create a well-structured plan, outlining timelines, milestones, and team responsibilities. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and keep the project on track.

Data Mapping

Pinpoint precisely what data is essential for a seamless transition. This typically includes:

  • Products and collections
  • Customer profiles and purchase history
  • Current orders
  • Any existing integrations

Common Pitfalls in the Migration Process

Even the most meticulously planned migrations can hit snags along the way. Watch out for these common trouble spots:

Leadership Lapses

Migrations thrive when someone takes charge. Without a project manager or point person to coordinate different teams and stakeholders, there's a high risk of things falling through the cracks.

No Data Backup

Talk about a potential nightmare! If you haven't properly backed up your current store's data, a single technical glitch during the migration process can lead to disastrous losses. Always play it safe.

SEO Slip-Ups

Moving platforms requires careful handling of things like 301 redirects, otherwise, those hard-earned search rankings can take a nosedive. Neglecting SEO can have costly long-term effects on website traffic.

Pre-launch Oversights

Don't switch over to Shopify Plus until you've combed through your existing site to fix broken links, identify duplicate content, and address any structural issues. These may seem like minor details, but they can damage customer experience and hurt your reputation.

Customer Confusion

Since customer passwords can't typically be migrated, you'll need a clear plan for communicating login changes to current customers to avoid frustration and loss of trust.

Knowing where these roadblocks tend to hide is half the battle. Let me know if you'd like some insights on ways to overcome these challenges!

Choosing the Right Time and Training Staff

Watch Your Calendar

The timing of your migration matters! Avoid clashing with major sales periods, holidays, or busy seasons in your niche. You don't want to overwhelm your team or risk technical mishaps when they're already stretched thin.

Prepping the Team

Shopify Plus might offer incredible functionality, but even the most intuitive platform has a learning curve. Invest in comprehensive training for your team well before launch day. This isn't just about avoiding downtime and frustration - it's about making sure your staff can make the most of your new investment!

Technical Considerations and Data Integrity

Data: Your Most Valuable Asset

When it comes to migration, maintaining the accuracy and completeness of your data is absolutely paramount. A botched transfer can lead to missing order history, misplaced customer accounts, or even incomplete product listings. Take the time to test and re-test every aspect of your data migration.

Beyond the Basics

The technical side of migrations gets intricate quickly. Here are some crucial points to address:

  • DNS Changes: These will be needed to reroute your domain name seamlessly to the new Shopify Plus store.
  • Tracking Scripts: Analytics and advertising scripts you used on your old platform will likely need to be reconfigured to work properly with Shopify Plus.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Whether it's payment gateways, shipping software, or marketing tools, check them early! Compatibility with Shopify Plus and any necessary setup changes should be a key part of your pre-migration checklist.

Testing and Going Live

Thoroughly testing your Shopify Plus store before you hit that "launch" button is non-negotiable. Simulate customer journeys, place test orders, and have your team try to break things! You want to find glitches and vulnerabilities before the public does.

Pre-Launch Checklist

Create a detailed launch plan – it will help maintain your sanity! Here's are just a few items to tick off:

  • Double-check domain redirects are working
  • Confirm all apps and integrations are functioning smoothly
  • Review your branding and messaging – this is a prime time for a brand refresh!
  • Notify customers with clear instructions. Tell them when they can expect the new store launch and answer key questions ahead of time.

Post-Migration: Ensuring a Smooth Transition

Think the hard work is over once you launch? Not quite! Here's what to focus on immediately after migration:

Data Scrutiny

Even with your pre-launch efforts, double and triple-check that all your products, customer information, and order history transferred flawlessly. Data glitches have a way of creeping up unexpectedly – catch them early!

Feature Check

Go through your core Shopify Plus functionalities. Place a few test orders yourself, ensure your shipping process works, and examine any customer-facing tools for hiccups.

Customer Care

Be proactive about communication. Monitor social media and any support channels for questions or confusion. A well-crafted FAQ on your site about the transition can also reassure customers. A simple email update on the day of the switch with any login updates can save you a lot of support tickets.


While Shopify Plus is a fantastic platform for growing businesses, navigating the migration process can be tricky. Keep these takeaways in mind for the best possible outcome:

  • Planning is Power: Invest ample time in defining your goals, creating a detailed plan, and mapping out your crucial data before starting anything technical.
  • Test, Test, Test Again: Leave no room for launch-day surprises. Exhaustive pre-launch testing helps you identify and resolve hidden issues before they impact customers.
  • Communication is Key: Keep customers informed with clear updates on the migration – address potential concerns with proactive FAQs or direct communication.
  • Don't Go It Alone: While migrating yourself is possible, consider using a professional Shopify migration service. Their expertise can safeguard your data and avoid costly, time-consuming setbacks.

Migrating to Shopify Plus unlocks the potential for exciting growth. With proactive planning, careful execution, and an awareness of potential pitfalls, you'll make this transition a resounding success for your eCommerce business.


Ready to streamline your move to Shopify Plus?

We've got your back! As a Shopify Partner and award-winning eCommerce agency we have the experience and skill to make your migration to Shopify Plus a success. Book a short discovery call to assess your business needs.

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