Top Reasons to Migrate from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus

Whether you're a growing start-up or an established enterprise, understanding these benefits could be the key to unlocking your eCommerce potential.

Top Reasons to Migrate from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus

Tired of BigCommerce holding your online store back? It's time to unleash your full eCommerce potential. Discover why savvy businesses are flocking to Shopify Plus, the platform designed to fuel growth, enhance customisation, and deliver exceptional shopping experiences. Join us as we delve into the top reasons why Shopify Plus might just be the perfect upgrade for your business.

With the recent news of BigCommerce exploring a potential sale following a significant drop in its market value, many businesses are re-evaluating their eCommerce platform choice in the light of the risk this presents to the struggling eCommerce platform.

If your BigCommerce platform is feeling a bit constrained, or you're simply looking for a more robust and versatile SaaS solution, now is the perfect time to consider a platform migration. Shopify Plus is emerging as a popular alternative, offering higher investment levels, leading to a wider range of features, greater scalability and a more user-friendly experience.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the top reasons why businesses are making the move from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus. We'll explore the key advantages of Shopify Plus, from its vast app ecosystem and customisable themes to its unparalleled scalability and powerful marketing tools.

Reasons for Migration

So, what exactly is driving this migration trend? Let's break down the key pain points businesses are experiencing with BigCommerce and how Shopify Plus addresses them:

Limited App Ecosystem

While BigCommerce does offer an app store, it's often criticised for its limited selection and the lack of depth in many of its apps. Shopify Plus, on the other hand, boasts a vast app ecosystem with thousands of high-quality apps covering everything from marketing and customer service to inventory management and shipping. This extensive range of apps allows businesses to tailor their online store to their specific needs and scale faster.

Need for Significant Third-Party Developer Support

BigCommerce's platform can be complex to customise, often requiring significant input from developers. This can be costly and time-consuming, particularly for smaller businesses. Shopify Plus offers a more user-friendly interface and a range of customisation options that can be implemented without extensive developer knowledge.

Difficulty Making Changes to Themes and Functionality

BigCommerce's theme architecture can be restrictive, making it difficult to implement design changes or add new features without delving into code. Shopify Plus offers a wider range of exclusive, customisable themes, along with a more flexible theme structure that allows for easier modifications.

Desire for a More User-Friendly and Scalable Platform

As businesses grow, they need a platform that can scale with them. BigCommerce can sometimes struggle to keep pace with the demands of high-growth businesses. Shopify Plus is designed to handle large volumes of traffic and transactions, ensuring a seamless customer experience even during peak periods.

Need for Improved Performance and Reliability

For high-volume eCommerce businesses, website speed and reliability are crucial. Slow loading times and downtime can lead to lost sales and frustrated customers. Shopify Plus is renowned for its robust infrastructure and lightning-fast performance, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience for your customers.

Ability to Integrate with a Wider Range of Third-Party Applications

Shopify Plus seamlessly integrates with a vast array of third-party applications, from marketing and accounting software to inventory management and fulfilment tools. This allows you to streamline your operations, automate tasks, and gain valuable insights into your business.

Desire to Take Advantage of Shopify Plus's Headless Commerce Capabilities

Headless commerce is a modern approach to eCommerce that separates the front-end presentation layer from the back-end commerce functionality. This gives you greater flexibility to create unique customer experiences across multiple channels, such as mobile apps, social media, and in-store kiosks. Shopify Plus offers robust headless commerce capabilities, allowing you to deliver personalised and engaging shopping experiences wherever your customers are.

Benefits of Shopify Plus

Now that we've explored the pain points associated with BigCommerce, let's dive into the exciting benefits that await you when you migrate to Shopify Plus:

Improved Usability and Management

Shopify Plus is renowned for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for even non-technical users to manage their online store. From adding products and processing orders to managing inventory and tracking sales, everything is streamlined and accessible, saving you valuable time and resources.

Superior Reliability and Performance

Shopify Plus is built on scalable infrastructure that delivers exceptional performance and reliability. Your online store will load quickly, handle high traffic volumes with ease, and always remain accessible to your customers, even during peak shopping periods. This translates to a better user experience, increased conversions, and ultimately, higher revenue.

Access to Exclusive, Customisable Themes

As mentioned earlier, Shopify Plus offers a curated selection of premium themes designed specifically for enterprise-level businesses. These themes are not only visually stunning but also highly customisable, allowing you to create a unique and on-brand online store that sets you apart from the competition.

Scalability and Growth Potential

Shopify Plus is designed to grow with your business. Whether you're experiencing rapid growth or planning for future expansion, Shopify Plus can easily accommodate your needs. You can add new products, expand into new markets, and handle increasing traffic volumes without worrying about your platform holding you back.

Optimised Platform Redesign

If you're looking for a fresh start with a brand new online store, Shopify Plus makes it easy to redesign your platform from the ground up. With its flexible theme architecture and extensive customisation options, you can create a visually appealing and high-performing online store that aligns with your brand identity and business goals.


As we've seen, migrating from BigCommerce to Shopify Plus can be a game-changer for businesses seeking a more scalable, customisable, and user-friendly eCommerce platform. With its extensive app ecosystem, exclusive themes, powerful marketing tools, and robust infrastructure, Shopify Plus offers everything you need to take your online store to the next level.

If you're feeling limited by BigCommerce's constraints, it's time to explore the possibilities that Shopify Plus has to offer. Don't let your platform hold you back from achieving your eCommerce goals. Take the leap and experience the freedom, flexibility, and growth potential that Shopify Plus can provide.


Ready to elevate your eCommerce business with Shopify Plus?

Absolute Design, an award-winning Shopify Plus agency, is here to guide you through a seamless migration process. Our expert Shopify Plus developers will tailor the platform to your unique business needs, ensuring a smooth transition and maximising your online store's potential. Don't let your platform hold you back. Contact Absolute Design today for a free consultation and discover how we can help you unlock the full power of Shopify Plus.

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