Is it time to reinvigorate your brand?

22 September 2022

Is it time to refresh or rebrand?

With increasing competition from start-up businesses it has never been more important to stand out and develop a distinctive brand with a clear and concise strategy. Clear goals and objectives that resonate across all business levels will help to build important and consistent brand awareness with your key customers.


Here at Absolute, we’ve outlined what we think makes a great brand, with helpful tips to help you along the way!


It's more than a logo

Ok, a logo plays a part in making your brand recognisable, but it's much more than that. A brand is the feeling a consumer associates with you. A logo helps trigger this feeling, but its consistency across all marketing channels that support your logo and your business brand. Logos need to look good, and occasionally they may need a refresh, but spending days creating a good-looking logo to then match it with ineffective communication will not catapult your business to success.


Will your brand stand the test of time?

Trends come and go but good brands stand the test of time. It's always beneficial to keep up with trends and keep your finger on the pulse but what your customers really need from you in terms of outreach, is that you're an honest and reliable company who will go the extra mile. It can take time to build that relationship with your customers; real relationships and strong business values will help build a brand that will potentially outlast its competitors.


Is your brand unique?

Your company story is what makes your brand unique. And as a business it's your job to deliver this story to potential customers. It will help consumers connect with your business, and help build a loyal following of customers. Having a unique brand will set you apart from your competitors. What do you differently to your business rivals? And what benefits do you offer potential customers that your counterparts don't? Don't shy away from marketing your unique business qualities.


Who are you talking to?

In an ideal world you want to be able to appeal to every consumer, but this can be business counterproductive. Trying to appeal to the masses could result in you alienating your main and most important customers.


Be consistent

With so many companies being saturated with competitors, consistency is key. Consistency helps to make your brand recognisable and will give a clear and concise message to potential customers about what you're selling and what your business is about.


Consistency also builds trust and loyalty a coveted thing!

So how do you achieve this brand consistency? You need the terminology, look, tone and feel on all outgoing marketing material to be consistent throughout, from business cards right through to website banners. Establish brand guidelines so that all your creatives and outside freelancers are working from one set of guidelines.



Enter social media. Social media has bridged the gap between large and small companies; enabling small companies to compete with their rivals. Social media to a certain point is free, and if it's used in the right way to develop a presence across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and LinkedIn, you'll create a following of people who just might turn into customers.

But be aware, social media is obtainable to everybody at an instant. It can take years to build a brand and just one mistimed tweet to bring it down in seconds.

So, build a brand you believe in, create brand guidelines to ensure it’s used effectively, and make sure your message is reaching your target audience. But remember, it all takes time and patience; a brand can’t be built in a day.



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